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Course Proposal Process FAQs

Scope, Terms, Definitions, and Resources

Have a question not answered here? Contact us!

General Process Information

You can access both existing course records as well as propose a new course in the CIM (Couse Inventory Management) Dashboard.

Check out these videos on proposing a new course and editing an existing course in CIM, as well as more resources on using the system.

Your course will travel through program/department, college, and university levels before being implemented in our Student Information System.

In CIM, click on the “Preview Workflow” button to see what your workflow will look like based on the information you’ve filled out so far in the form.

Some of these steps will be individuals, some will be meetings with their own dates and deadlines like UCCC.

Visit the Process Map page for visual representations and this presentation that talks about the roles of various steps in the process.

Timelines can vary at the department/college levels – contact your college liaison for assistance on timing and deadline requirements.

Once proposals arrive at the University level, the average timeline for a proposal going through both UCCC and CUE is 29 days (excluding university holidays and breaks). Check the dates and deadlines page for information on university-level committee information.

  • Syllabus review: Major edits and new courses must have their syllabi reviewed by the department/college-level reviewing body. The University does not require that the syllabus be attached in CIM, but it must be reviewed, and the box in that field of CIM must be marked “Yes” for the action to move forward.
  • Measurability of student learning outcomes: Students should be able to show that they have mastered student learning outcomes.
  • Level of student learning outcomes: Outcomes for higher-level courses should reflect higher-level outcomes and measures.

    There are some wonderful resources on outcomes and evaluation methods on Office of Assessment and Accreditation’s website as well as on the Office of Faculty Excellence’s website.

  • Consultation: Double check if your course may have overlap and/or resource (prerequisite, other resources) sourced from another department/college/academy

    Take a look at the Consultation/Communication page for details on Consultation Guidelines and process.
  • Make sure that your prerequisites are codable (related to student groups, courses, or academic levels). All other items should be in the description.

Check out other frequent suggestions in this video here.

In the CIM Workflow, you may notice that the final step in the approval is “Peoplesoft.” This indicates when your action has completed approvals and has arrived for implementation via our colleagues in Registration and Records. They will implement needed fields into SIS and approve the action when that work is complete.

Questions about actions at this step? Reach out to to reach the scheduling and catalog team!

Please note that if the schedule has already rolled for the upcoming semester, you will need to work with your Scheduling Officer to implement some updates/changes/additions.

Layers of Review and Support

Each department has its own review process to best serve the needs of the department and discipline(s). Contact your Director of Undergraduate Programs and/or your Department Head to learn more details.

At this level, departments review and discuss terms and methods of the disciplines involved in the course or curriculum and how the course fits with the department’s plans and requirements or how the curriculum is constructed and its outcomes.

If the Department head has charged a Departmental Curriculum Committee, that group will review courses/curricular work and make recommendations for approval (or otherwise) to the Department Head.

Each college has its own review process to best serve the needs of the college. Contact your College Liaison/Assistant or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for more details. Colleges generally have both administrative support and committee representatives that bridge information between the university and college levels.

The College Curriculum Committee makes recommendations for approval to the Dean and/or their designee (most frequently the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs).

By the time the action reaches the College Dean’s step of approval, the following will have all been completed and discussed:

  • Disciplines, terms, methods of assessment, and ruling consistent with departmental and college standards.
  • Curricular structure meets departmental and college needs
  • All typos in the CIM Form are fixed
  • Syllabus confirmed to comply with the Syllabus Regulation
  • Any consultations within or between Colleges have been completed or at least started.

The University Courses and Curricula Committee (UCCC) looks at the course/curricular action from a university-wide perspective. As members of a representative academy, the faculty members of UCCC verify that all required items are present in CIM and are communicated clearly and fairly for review, posterity, and implementation and are in-line with university-wide norms, policies, rules, and regulations. This includes:

  • Title and Abbreviated Title are related to content and identifiable
  • Contact/Credit Hours follow established guidelines
  • Course Length is listed correctly (usually 16 weeks for full term, 8 for 1/2 in Fall and Spring; 3, 5, or 10 weeks in Summer)
  • Repeat for Credit is appropriate for course type and repetition restrictions (if appropriate) are present in the course record.
  • Topic Outline lists topics in course and relate to other fields of the record. If timing is included, ranges are suggested for flexibility.
  • Requisites clearly labeled and accounted for in consultations if other department’s/college’s courses are included.
  • Catalog Description reflects course content.
  • Justification explains all changes.
  • Student Learning Outcomes are measurable and an appropriate level for the course and aligned with the Student Evaluation Methods listed
  • Student Evaluation Methods are appropriate for course level and aligned with outcomes and other fields. Ranges are frequently recommended for pedagogical/student flexibility.
  • Syllabus has been reviewed by the college.

You are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings during which your course will be reviewed.

Colleges have both administrative support and committee representatives at the University level.

The Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) will look at course proposals as they relate to the General Education Program (GEP). The faculty on this committee focus on alignment of the courses’s student learning outcomes with the selected GEP category objective(s), and the alignment of the listed measurements with those outcomes.

You are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings during which your course will be reviewed.

Colleges have both administrative support and committee representatives at the University level.

During the department/college levels, you may receive communication from your DUP, Department Head, College Liaison, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and/or Department/College Curriculum committee Chair. These individuals and groups are experts in translating your vision and intent for your course into CIM and policy compliance.

Once your course arrives at the University levels, you can expect

  • An e-mail inviting you to the committee meeting in which your action is being reviewed. Please note that OUCCAS uses the initiator marked in CIM Courses to know who to contact.
    • If you would like to add someone else, please let us know.
  • An e-mail following up after the meeting if your action may require additional work or if there were questions unanswered in the meeting.
  • College liaisons receive Approval Memo e-mails detailing approved actions after each meeting once actions have been processed to next steps.

You can always log into CIM for Courses and look up your course to see what steps it has passed (green) where it is in the workflow currently (yellow/orange).

  • Ranges in Student Evaluation Methods can provide flexibility for multiple course instructors/future course iterations More information is available here.
  • If you include week information in the Topic Outline, ranges can provide similar flexibility.
  • Abbreviated titles are what show on students’ transcripts. Please ensure that your abbreviated title uses the full capacity of 30 characters (including spaces) as is appropriate for your course and discipline.
  • For Interdisciplinary Perspectives (IP) GEP category, clearly label your disciplines for Interdisciplinary Perspectives. For higher-level courses that delve deeper into disciplinary methods and perspectives, the committee expects to see 2-3 disciplines. For lower-level survey courses, a larger number of disciplines can be represented.
  • For the Global Knowledge GEP category, list the countries and cultures the course will cover.
  • GEP courses must be available to the larger campus – at least 25% of seats should be available and the course prerequisites should not be restricted.
  • Both USD and USDEI are available as categories in CIM. Students that either matriculated on/after Fall 2023 or who chose to move to the new, restructured GEP will have audits that look for USDEI courses. Students that matriculated prior to Fall 2023 will have audits that look for USD courses.
    • USDEI courses will show up on both USD and USDEI lists
    • USD courses only show up on USD lists
  • If multiple GEP categories are possible in your course, include a statement that clarifies to students that they will need to choose which category the course will fulfill.
  • Include some detail in your assessment information to create a clear bridge for reviewers from the GEP Objectives to the learning outcomes of your course. Sample questions are not required but are a quick and easy way to create this bridge.
  • Ensure that your outcomes are at or above the level of the verb(s) used in the objectives. Use of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is not required but is the resource most frequently used by CUE.

These e-mails from OUCCAS provide you with information from the meeting discussion to enable the action to move forward. These are terms you may hear during the meeting or in our e-mails.

  • Committee Recommends Approval: Action moves on to the next step.
  • Recommend Approval with Suggestions: Committee members have offered collegial suggestions to improve the course/course record. Action on these suggestions is not required.
  • Recommend Approval Pending: There is an issue or question that needs to be resolved before the course can move forward. OUCCAS will provide guidance and connect you to resources to assist to facilitate these changes.
    • If no action is taken on Pending items within two weeks, the proposal moves to the Tabled status and will be rolled back to the college. This returns the action to college-level support and prevents the action from stalling out.
    • If the recommended changes do not align with your intent for the course, you are welcome to attend and speak further to the committee regarding the proposal! Contact OUCCAS to be placed on the agenda as needed.
  • Tabled: There is significant confusion or significant change required before approval can be recommended. The action is rolled back to the college level for consideration before coming back to university level steps.
    • When a tabled action returns to the committee, it will be first on the agenda as Old Business.
  • Rollback/Returned: After review, the revisions needed for approval of the action requires the expertise and insight of the proposal’s home discipline. The action is rolled back to the college level.

You can always check the status of your action in CIM Courses or CIM Programs – just enter your course name, prefix, and/or number or your curricular information. Use *asterisks* to open up your search terms.

Know your department, college, and university deadlines. Contact your Director of Undergraduate Programs, your Department Head, or your College Liaison for help.

Contact OUCCAS for help and questions at any stage of the process! * (919) 515-9769

CIM for Courses

You can access CIM for Courses dashboard (to search, edit, and propose course actions) and the Approver Page (to approve, make edits to an action in-workflow) by clicking on the links provided and entering your NCSU credentials.

If the action you are looking for is in-workflow, you will be able to see the proposal but not make any edits in the dashboard. Ensure that the course is at your step (either in one of your roles or under your name) and go to the Approver Page to make changes.

If the action you are looking for is at-rest, or out of workflow, you will be able to see and edit the course record in the dashboard.

This means that the record in CIM and the record in MyPack are different. E-mail or call 5-9769 for assistance.

This error means that the course you are attempting to assign to the course is already in use by another course record in CIM. You will need to initiate a drop action and have that complete workflow before you can reassign the number to another course record.

If you click on the step link provided in the CourseLeaf e-mail, it should take you to the step for which your approval is needed. If instead it takes you to your name, or if you go to the Approver Page and the role mentioned isn’t available from the drop-down, it means that there is no action at the step to approve.

This is usually because the role has multiple users in it, and as soon as one person approves it for the role, the action moves forward.

You can verify this by finding the course in the dashboard and scrolling to the bottom of the Appover Path on the right-hand side. This pane will show you all steps that have been approved, who signed for each, and when.

To update role members or adjust who receives an e-mail when an action arrives at the step, contact

Contact with

  • The role name as listed in CIM
  • The unity ID of anyone to be added
  • Any other changes needed
  • Any communication preference updates (who should receive the CourseLeaf notifications)

The CIM workflow reflects steps of review, approval, and notification, as well as helping various organizations manage deadlines.

If you click “preview workflow” on an action in the upper-right-hand corner, you will see the steps as well as all users listed under each step. You may notice, for example, that OUCC Review, UCCC Coordinator, and UCCC Meeting are all OUCCAS staff steps. These are steps that help us manage committee deadlines and initial review of actions.

You may also notice that dual-level/cross-listed courses list all relevant departments and colleges. This keeps everyone in the loop when something changes in a shared action.

Fields in the CIM form that are outlined in red are required for submission/approval. Those fields without an outline are not required.

Terms and Definitions

The CIM System facilitates course and curricula approval from the intiator submitting the course all the way to implementation in our MyPack catalog. These records are used to ensure clear faculty/staff communication throughout the process. The system is collaboratively managed by OUCCAS, the Graduate School, and Registration and Records. Access the course system here.

If your course will be shared between departments/colleges and will have two or more prefixes (e.g. ST/MA), your course will share a single course ID in MyPack and a single record in CIM. These cross-listed courses proceed through both/all steps of the departments and colleges involved, though they can be scheduled individually.

If your course is at the 400-level and is taught/designed concurrently with a 500-level course, then your course is dual-level. These courses, like cross-lists, share a single course ID in MyPack, a single record in CIM, and proceed through both graduate and undergraduate levels of review at departmental, college, and university steps. Learn more about dual-level courses and course requirements here.

When proposing a dual-level course, please also review the Graduate School’s review of 400-500 dual-level courses guidelines.

In the context of review, a major action and a minor action describes the type and number of fields required to be updated/reviewed during the update process. Major actions reflect substantive, content, pedagogical changes to the course (or new course actions). Minor actions reflect small, often administrative or functional changes to the course. You can review major versus minor required fields by toggling the radio bottom at the top of the CIM for Courses form.

Major and Minor actions run through the same workflow, but at the university level, minor actions are placed on the Consent Agenda.