Committee Resources
The Office of Undergraduate Courses, Curricula, and Academic Standards (OUCCAS) helps to facilitate the approval process for the University Courses and Curricula Committee (UCCC), which reviews all course and curricula actions at the university level, and the Council for Undergraduate Education (CUE), which reviews courses for the General Education Program (GEP).
To read about the role of departmental, college, and university committees and administrators and staff in the approval process, click here.
CUE Resources
The Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) is a University Standing Committee made up of voting faculty members and non-voting administrative experts from across the University who are charged with discussion and review of the General Education Program at NC State. This includes course review as well as wider discussions regarding the Program.
GEP Course Review
Department- and College-Level Criteria
- Are the states GEP student learning outcomes supported by the course content?
- Are the stated GEP student learning outcomes applicable across all course sections?
- Does each stated GEP student learning outcome map to a GEP category objective?
- Are the means of evaluating these GEP student learning outcomes likely to provide the instructor with evidence that will enable them to improve student learning in the course?
- Are the stated GEP student learning outcomes clearly measurable using the proposed means of evaluation?
- Are at least 25% of the seats of the course non-restricted? If all seats are restricted to a major(s), justification is required.
- Is the course offered on a regular basis?
- Does the course have no more than one prerequisite? If there is more than one prerequisite, justification is required.
- Is the course a standard offering (not a special topics/experimental course?)
College- and CUE-Level Criteria
- Is there a GEP student learning outcome for each category as required?
- Are these outcomes appropriate for the objective? Do they align? How will achievement of the outcome allow students to meet the objective?
- Does each outcome provide a specific statement (using an appropriate action verb) of what students are expected to do in order to demonstrate that they have achieved the outcome?
- The Office of Faculty Excellence has developed a Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy resource that can help.
- Is there at least one means of evaluation listed for each outcome?
- Is the means of evaluation appropriate to the associated outcome? Is it aligned? Will this measurement provide data that will allow the instructor to judge whether and how well students have achieved the outcome?