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Email: for questions
Email: for catalog questions (shared with two other offices)
Phone: (919) 515-9769
Address: 211 Park Shops
Hours: M-F 8 am – 5 pm
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Directors of Undergraduate Programs
Generally, the responsibilities of DUPs include:
- Coordinate courses and curricula, including oversight of assessment;
- Serve on and/or chair department- and/or college-level undergraduate curriculum, education, and other relevant committees
- Review and develop curricula
- Coordinate advising of undergraduate students, unless the college or department assigns this responsibility to a coordinator of advising
- Coordinate or assist in undergraduate student recruitment efforts.
- Assist with scheduling of undergraduate courses
- Coordinate commencement activities
- Coordinate strategic planning for undergraduate program
- Adjudicate undergraduate grade reviews and student complaints
- Coordinate commencement activities
- Perform other duties as assigned by the department head and/or dean of the college.
College Liaisons
Generally, the responsibilities of a college liaison may include:
- Coordinate actions moving through the college curricular workflows
- Support the college curriculum committees
- Serve as first point of contact for the office on behalf of the college on curricular matter
Associate Deans of Academic Affairs
- Serve as point of contact for inter-college consultations
- Provide input and information regarding curricular matters
- Provide oversight for their college curricular processes, including signing off on syllabi reviewed for compliance with the syllabus regulation.
Registration and Records
- Administration of and management for the University Catalog as well as the schedule of classes, degree audits, and SIS course catalog.
- Implementation point for course and catalog information. Information that runs through CIM for Courses end up in the SIS catalog in order to be pulled into the University Catalog as well as the scheduling system and enrollment wizard. Information that runs through CIM programs ends up in the University Catalog and provides guidance for department/college needs for degree audit/pack planner updates in SIS.
- Provide feedback and input regarding curricular matters for the office and on standing committees.
The Graduate School
- Supports the Administrative Board of the Graduate School
- Supports graduate actions and graduate portions of the university catalog
The Provost’s Office
- Routes program actions that move beyond the campus
- Point of contact for accreditation and UNC System Office information
- Charges standing committees including UCCC and CUE