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Fast Facts

During the 2022-2023 Academic Year


  • Li Marcus – Director
  • Lexi Hergeth – Curriculum and Training Specialist
  • Mukund Vora – Graduate Assistant (Graduated Fall 2022)
  • Sanay Shah – Graduate Assistant (Joined Spring 2023)
  • Annabel Breen – Undergraduate Courses & Curricula Assistant
  • Org Chart


OUCCAS staff engaged in projects including:

  • In response to and support of questions from parents, advisors, and students, OUCCAS put in place a pre- and post-Fall 2023 GEP table. Since the automatic list of USDEI courses outside of the degree audits, planner, and enrollment wizard will not be available until the 23-24 University Catalog (CAT) is published mid-June, OUCCAS is maintaining a manually-updated sheet (refreshed monthly) of courses that meet USDEI for the campus community and wider community of USDEI courses. This list will continue to be updated until mid-June, at which point the link on the GEP table will move to the official, automatic CAT page.
  • Continued to collaborate with NCSU CourseLeaf Admin Team members in the Graduate School, Registration and Records, and the Provost’s office. Negotiated new CourseLeaf CIM contract to engage in a reimplementation of the CIM for Courses system in 23-24.
  • Developed training regarding topics such as quick training for proxies, use of the Student Evaluation Method field in CIM, and the use and history of measures in course GEP review.
  • Initiated weekly office hours with Lexi – open to all via Zoom to discuss CIM, curriculum or course development, the approval process, etc. In-person opportunities will also be available starting in Fall 2023.
  • Actively engaged with the External Review Process, including writing a detailed self study and inviting both internal and external reviewers and stakeholders to provide feedback and suggestions regarding the work of the Office.
  • Continued working with CUE and academic colleges towards the implementation of the USDEI requirement in Fall 2023, including managing CourseLeaf System software changes in the CAT, CIM for Courses, and CIM for Programs.
  • Collaborated with the Provost’s office, Registration and Records, the Graduate School, and others to update and write narratives and gather evidence for Team F for the 2024 SACSCOC reaffirmation process.
  • Collaborated with the Office of Instructional Programs, the Graduate School, Enrollment Management and Services, and stakeholders to examine the process for new academic program development and find spaces for streamlining and clearer communication.
  • Based on campus feedback, OUCCAS set out to establish a new, shared process for requesting, reviewing, and scheduling a second or third offering of a Special Topics GEP course that was previously reviewed and approved by CUE. This process affects courses in all colleges, includes faculty ownership and oversight of curriculum and administrative procedures, and allows/supports requests in any semester, including Summer. OUCCAS worked on this process with associate deans of academic affairs, the CUE Chair, the Senior Associate Dean of University College, and the University Honors program. They presented the process for feedback to CUE and, after folding in the feedback, the process and its related form went live in Spring 2023.

CUE reviewed the following:

ACTIONCUE 2022-2023
Existing Course Review for GEP78
New Course New to GEP17
Honors/Special Topics Shell Offerings17 = 4 HON + 13 Special Topics 
Courses Dropping GEP/ Dropped Courses1 GEP Removed
Total Courses113

UCCC reviewed the following:

ACTIONUCCC 2022-2023
New Courses54
Revised Courses167
Dropped Courses8
Ownership Change0
New Curricula 10
New Prefix0
Revised Curricula83
New Honors Programs
Honors Programs Revisions0
Total Actions325