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Fast Facts

During the 2023-2024 Academic Year


  • Li Marcus – Director
  • Lexi Hergeth – Curriculum and Training Specialist
  • Sahil Bendale – Graduate Intern (Graduated Spring 2024)
  • Tanvi Pongde – Graduate Intern (Joined and Departed Summer 2024)
  • Lydia Christoph – Undergraduate Courses & Curricula Support (Departed Summer 2024)
  • Org Chart


OUCCAS staff engaged in projects including:

  • Collaborating with the renamed World Languages and Culture Department, organized and implemented changes to all prefixes and programs affected, including facilitating CUE’s review of the renaming of the GEP Foreign Language Proficiency Category.
  • Visited six college curriculum committees to share OUCCAS services and some recent discussions from UCCC and CUE with colleges in support of college representatives.
  • Collected feedback for CIM for Courses and began implementation on the CIM for Courses Refresh (slated to complete Spring 2025 for Summer/Fall 2025 go-live). Led and facilitated conversations and documentation for this effort.
  • Continued weekly office hours with Lexi – open to all via Zoom to discuss CIM, curriculum or course development, the approval process, etc. Also offered in-person lab time for co-working as well as multiple topics in synchronous online training.
  • Participated in the Non-Degree Credentials Task Force and a Student Mental Health Task Force Implementation Team.
  • Represented undergraduate curricular processes in the on-site review process of SACSCOC.
  • Interviewed campus partners and published multiple articles to share interesting and engaging practices and updates regarding undergraduate curriculum on campus.
  • Conducted a website usability study for the OUCCAS website.
  • Developed (in collaboration with Registration and Records and the Graduate School) a renewed process for administrative saves that do not need be reviewed by UCCC and facilitated discussion in UCCC regarding this process for best practices and streamlining.

CUE reviewed the following:

ACTIONCUE 2023-2024
Existing Course Review for GEP16
New Course New to GEP24
Honors/Special Topics Shell OfferingsHON 4 + Special Topics 1st Offering 3 =7, + Repeat Special Topics Notifications = 8
Courses Dropping GEP/ Dropped Courses1 GEP Removed
Total Courses56

UCCC reviewed the following:

ACTIONUCCC 2023-2024
New Courses72
Revised Courses183
Dropped Courses6
Ownership Change0
New Curricula 17
New Prefix1
Revised Curricula84
New Honors Programs
Honors Programs Revisions0
Total Actions365