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Committees – Frequently Asked Questions

The following are common questions related to committee work. Don't see your question represented? E-mail us at!

Committee Basics

University Standing committees partner with University Administration to provide recommendations on action and policy at NC State. Standing committees include both UCCC and CUE as well as International Programs, Housing, and a number of other topics and are important bodies of shared governance at NC State.

These committees’ members are appointed by the Chancellor and many also have liaison members from Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Student Goverment, or a combination thereof.

Visit the website for University Standing Committees for more information.

CUE and UCCC have a mix of voting faculty member and ex-officio nonvoting administrative members.

Voting membership represents academic colleges as well as groups like the libraries, the academies, and faculty senate and student government. Their terms are generally for three years, unless they are in one-year appointments, and new membership tends to be staggered.

Voting members must hold a .75 or greater FTE position (or be emeritus) and hold a position no higher than Department Head.

Nonvoting membership represents OUCCAS/UC/DASA administrative functions, provost offices, study abroad, and more.

To see who is serving on UCCC or CUE, visit their websites and select “Roster” on the left-hand side. To see past years’ rosters, review the Archive sections. The roster link may be unavailable during the Summer while assignments are being made.

Faculty members should express their interest in serving on these committees in the Faculty Committee Survey sent out annually from the Provost’s Office in January. These elections move to the Committee on Committees for consideration and then to the Chancellor for approval. Notifications go out in July.

OUCCAS is included when the assignments go out to members and will reach out soon after with welcome information.

If there are not enough volunteers for an open seat, the Provost’s Office may reach out to College Curriculum Committee Chairs and/or Associate Deans for Academic Programs in the relevant college for nominations.

UCCC reviews undergraduate course and curricular actions at the university level at NC State. To view what UCCC will review for courses, click here.

It also discusses wider guidelines and processes and definitions regarding undergraduate education at NC State.

Learn more about UCCC’s charge here.

CUE reviews undergraduate course actions that are seeking inclusion/maintenance in the General Education Program (GEP) lists. To view what CUE will review, click here.

It also more broadly reviews and makes recommendations regarding general education and the GEP at NC State.

Learn more about CUE’s charge here.

Take note of the scheduled meeting times and days – if you find that you’re unable to make committee meetings for the year, please e-mail Amy Jinnette (

If you’re unable to make meetings for one semester, or just a few meetings, we encourage you to work with your department and college to find a proxy. Find requirements for serving a proxy as well as resources for proxies here.

Committee Operations

Committees generally meet on Zoom. Meetings will be open for 15 prior and OUCCAS staff will be available for questions or to set up breakout rooms as needed. Staff may also be available after the meeting for follow-up questions – please let us know if you’d like to discuss something after the meeting.

Deadline are generally two weeks prior to the meeting – giving time for initial administrative review, chair review, and any feedback before the agenda is sent out a week prior to the meeting.

Review deadlines for UCCC and CUE here.

Both UCCC and CUE discuss wider issues relating to undergraduate education. This can be related to committee review and operations – clarifying expectations of the committee – or issues brought from departments and colleges as well.

Representatives and individuals can both bring up topics by e-mailing the chair and including OUCCAS to be added to an agenda.

As a voting member, you will be asked to vote aye/nay/abstain on minutes, actions, and some other points of discussion when called by the Chair.

As a reviewer, you’ll be called on first when actions assigned to you are brought to the floor for feedback.

You may also have items to present on behalf of your college or stakeholder group. Check out the information in the training packet you received after your committee assignment for some suggested scripts.

Please recruit another faculty member who would meet the requirements for membership from your stakeholder group (if you are from Faculty Senate, please find another faculty member from Faculty Senate, if you are from College of Sciences, another faculty member from College of Sciences) and e-mail the Chair and with this information.

Provide them with any notes or feedback that you have, and direct them to the proxy resources available on our website.

Guests are welcome! UCCC and CUE both follow Open Meeting laws and procedures and are open to guests. Please let us know at to let us know you’re attending.

If you’re a guest attached to an action, you’ll be asked to introduce yourself at the top of the meeting with your name, affiliation, and action you are able to speak about.

Please let us or the Chair know if you need your action moved up/down for timing and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

Your representative will represent the action and if questions arise, you’re welcome to jump in (and you may be called on) to take advantage of your present and expertise. Members consistently find guests’ presence extremely helpful when questions come up.

Feel free to ask any additional questions. You’re welcome to then stay for the rest of the meeting or leave as your schedule/interest align.

After the meeting, you’ll receive a summary of committee feedback from OUCCAS if needed.

If you are a general guest (not present for an action), you’re welcome to stay as long or short as you would like. If you have an item for discussion, those will take place once business is concluded.