Discussions on USD Requirement
CUE examines the past, present, and future of the US Diversity Requirement as a part of the GEP at NC State.
In Fall 2020, the Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) discussed their understanding of the objective and parameters of the current US Diversity requirement portion of the General Education Program (GEP) at NC State.
After closing out the discussion regarding current USD parameters, members considered a benchmarking report along with background information from past CUE years and the USD GEP Task Force report from 2017 to begin discussion about changing the USD requirement.
After this meeting, a set of initial questions that representatives would take to their colleges was collaboratively developed and sent. These questions aimed to get a sense of the context of USD as a part of the student experience, their major coursework, and as a part of the GEP, and to encourage colleges to think about what the requirement could look like independent of its current status.
Over the proceeding months, members engaged in rigorous discussion among themselves as well as with their colleges regarding the status of the requirement as a co-requisite, credit hour requirements of courses meeting the category, credit hours attribution to the category, as well as a variety of other facets.
The group approved a set of recommendations to move forward and they have been submitted to the provost to review.
Stay tuned for more on this campus conversation and implementation!
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